

Registered since Nov 2017
BOTD: 15 BOTW: 0 Bombings: 234
Bombing 1646434190282
White Truck in Berlin 04 Mar 2022 22:53:51


Posted almost 3 years ago

chat.. im currently listening to GG Allin, 'Bite you scum' from a live gig in '91, GG liked to lay logs live onstage during his career .X

Posted almost 3 years ago

What rolls down stairs rolls over in pairs and over your neighbors dog?!?

Posted almost 3 years ago

Lol. Lets not forget The Mentors "El Duce" !

Posted almost 3 years ago

What’s good for a snack, and fits on your back, it’s LOG, LOG , LOGGG!

Posted almost 3 years ago

Recall being at a festival where there was a GG Allin documentaryfilm being scheduled to begin at the ‘theatre’ tent….
Heard lotta wild screaming and grunting, yelling coming from the tent, as if a riot was about to explode….
Went inside the tent….in front of the still blanc moviescreen there where 3 hardcore mohahawked punks , totally spaced out on whatever booze and chemical(s) mix….screaming ‘GG is GOD, repent!”….then they pulled down their pants and started viciously jerking off in front of a semi-shocked crowd (they ree-people left immediately ; good riddance!) the rest cheered them on and had a blast during the movie, cheering like wolfs when seeing GG produce his art by use of real raw shit, blood, piss, spit….
MTV then came into existence and music became alike many people…fake…false….boring

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