

Registered since Oct 2017
BOTD: 11 BOTW: 0 Bombings: 1298
Bombing 1563803143126
Underground Train in Hamburg 22 Jul 2019 13:45:19 10 minutes


Posted over 5 years ago

Drop that ill shit!

Posted over 5 years ago

Sheesh RizLe the mans house burnt down today give him a break lol
That said : OH DAMN Jero you best come correct on this. Your pieces on insta are absolute fire bro! Channel that dirty Crook shit!
-F8L with love and respect

Posted over 5 years ago

hahahahah yeeters boys its all good over here yo!!thanks bro u have no idea i could use the motivation right now..thank you for your compliments bout the insta,so let me tell you and everyone why such a difference!?2 different screens!haha i bomb and paint on g.u on my note 8 cell phone 7' screen,art on my instagram i run an art program on my surfacebook pro laptop and i just get funky hahaah so why dont i use laptop for GU?idk y but the paint shoots off off in some direction if i put too much pressure,ive changed settings ,still happens but my laptop is windows,on my daughters ipad its smooth as butter tho idk wat the fuck is going on...-jeroe,oh riz i got u bro ill"step my game up" as u say hahahaha

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