
White Truck
in Berlin
14 Jan 2020 22:51:45
10 minutes
thats dope
thanks man
stupid question but are you using a computer and if so how the hell you get your lines so smooth
Yes, using a mouse at 400 dpi and windows enhance pointer precision turned off(Mouse Acceleration turned off).
what is dpi sorry lol and I'm on a mac so do you know if you can turn off enhance pointer precision
If I remember correctly dpi means dots per inch, it has something to do with the sensor of the mouse. The dpi can be changed on most gaming mice through software or a button on the mouse itself but I am not so sure about generic mice. I have no idea about the mouse acceleration on mac computers but I think there is something similar that can be disabled, you might want to find out about it on google or something just in case.
thanks bro i keep getting crappy lines ill try to figure it out