
Acer Spades

Registered since May 2015
BOTD: 3 BOTW: 1 Bombings: 258
Bombing 1535458015386
ICE Train in Berlin 28 Aug 2018 12:06:45


Posted over 6 years ago

i know only a small group of people maintain this site and it must cost a lot to add stuff and fix things but i feel like this needs to be improved a bit. i dont mean right this second, right this month, next month, later in the year but just as you go along and and have a well oiled team going

Posted almost 6 years ago

It's a lack of interest I'd say Tbh...
Mad has been told time and time again but he hardly responds to anything nowadays I gotta say there is a lot better out there..

Posted almost 6 years ago

If I knew a lot about programming, websites and stuff I'd make a Graff site and bring people in but unfortunately...

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